viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

Atrasos+ Outfits+ Blue Hair+ Mi cumpleaños

Después de casi un mes de mi última entrada al blog, ya no sabía ni que título poner en esta, ya que tenía montones de cosas que subir y esto va a ser un popurrí de todo. 

En la última entrada dije que estaba muy liada estudiando y demás, ya soy una persona libre, los exámenes no me han salido ni por asomo como esperaba, pero claro ... 3 años sin estudiar se han notado mucho, mi capacidad de reacción, de aprendizaje, de memorizar y todo es que no son las mismas y sabía que esto iba a pasar. No tengo las notas ni nada, para la semana que viene sabré todo, si puedo echar matrícula en alguna carrera y demás, crucemos los dedos!!

En el último post os enseñé también un poco el proceso de mi pelo azul. El color me gusta mucho aunque no es lo que debería quedar realmente según el tinte. Tuve que decolorar las raíces en 2 ocasiones para que cogiesen el color. Os dejaré fotos abajo de como está ahora mi pelo, pero sinceramente no voy a volver a retocar el color, porque a parte de lo que necesita decolorar, para que tape todo bien necesito 2 botes o 2 botes y medio y como que se escapa de mi economía el mantenimiento. 

Y lo último de lo que voy a hablar hoy, es que la semana pasada fue mi cumpleaños. Ya tengo 24 añitos :D  y fui a comer y al cine a ver Jurasic World que me gustó mucho mucho muchíiiisimo. 
Y por aquí abajo os dejaré también una foto de algunos de mis regalos, que no están todos porque me los dieron en momentos diferentes. 

Pues bueno, en esta primera foto está el pelo recién teñido y la verdad es que queda precioso. Eso sí, no os cuento las de heridas que tenía por la doble decoloración ...

Estas son las fotos del último look así mas arreglado que he llevado. Mi madre se encarga de hacerme esos peinados tan bonitos porque yo no tengo ni idea. 

Y como no, Bandido que se entera de que vamos a hacer fotos y está en el porche el primero. 

Soplando mi vela de los 24 en una hamburguesa del happy meal del McDonald's . Lo que más me gusta, es que sigo creciendo, pero mi cara sigue igual que cuando era mucho más pequeña. 

Mi madre me regaló un vestido precioso ( que no sale aquí), ya lo mostraré cuando me lo ponga, y a parte junto con mi padre me compraron el peluche de Gizmo y el del buho. Y también 2 libros de La Costurera en los que vienen diseños para patronaje, enseñarte puntadas, para customizar tu ropa y hacerte tu propia ropa, diseñadoras jóvenes, ganchillo, etc. 
Mi hermana me regaló la caja de Fin de Hora de Aventuras y dentro venía una figura de la princesa Bultos.  Y mi amiga Mery Angy me regaló 2 libros de Harry Potter que me faltaban. 

 Y para finalizar, esta tarta de chocolate recubierta de nata y con caritas de buhos que me hizo mi madre para mi cumpleaños. 

Este año por suerte o por desgracia ( ya veremos) me iré mas tarde a Barcelona, así que tendré mas tiempo para estar activa por el blog. 
Espero que os haya gustado la entrada! Nos vemos pronto por aquí. 

Muchos besos de la Srta. Panda!

125 comentarios:

  1. Siempre me ha gustado como te quedan los colores fantasidas, pero el azul se ha vuelto mi favorito. Una pena que sea tan costoso de cuidar.
    Llegué con el tiempo justo para felicitarte, yo tmb soy muy de: peli + cena por cumpleaños.
    Un beso enorme guapa
    PD: espero que haya suerte con los exámenes.

  2. Hola Nena, a ver si por lo menos apruebas! mucha suerte cuando te den las notas. Me gusta mucho el look arregladito y asi con la trenza queda muy bien. Tus regalitos geniales, muero de envidia con el Gizmo!! ^__^ y si que sigues con la misma carita de niña jeje pero todavia eres un yougurin jeje. Tu pelo ya sabes que me encanta y yo has visto que lo tengo ahora teñido otra vez, ya empieza a afear el verde como siempre pero no pasa nada jeje. Hablamos esta noche si quieras nena, un besiko!! ;)

  3. Que lindo el peinado, es geniaaal, y el color del pelo ya es de alucine *-* Mucha suerte para los resultados de las notas, ya verás como te sorprendes para bien y puedes hacer la carrera que deseas!!
    Los regalitos de cumple son preciosos, me encantan los 2 libros de harry potter, ¡¡POTTERHEADS AL PODER!!
    Un super abrazo preciosa :33

  4. Buaaa, es que recien teñido es una pasada, me encantaaaaaaaa, y esa trenza de raíz..yo tampoco sé hacerme movidas de esas y hay una chica en mi clase que se las hace cada dos por tres, así que dejo te atender y la miro a ella a ver si aprendo jajaja, y ahora tengo muchissima curiosidad por el vestido, seguro es una pasada, y la tarta de cumple una monería...y felicidades atrasadaaas (si es que no te felicite ya y me empané) :DD

    PD: mucha suerte con los resultados de los examenes!

  5. ¡¡Cómo me gusta la camisa de la primera foto!!


  6. Ayy, espero que apruebes! Y felicidades atrasadas, los regalos molan mucho, a mi de pequeña me regalaron un peluche de los Gremlins y me asusté tanto que eché a correr y me escondí debajo de la cama, hasta que no se lo llevaron no salí, jamás lo olvidaré xD
    Tu gato es amor, y tu pelo es que lo adoro, me quiero casar con él! *_*
    Un beso!

  7. Ai, que me dejas con los nervios a mí de las notas de los exámenes xDDD Ya nos cuentas qué tal han ido, a ver si hay suerte :*
    El azul queda muy chulo pero cuando se hace tan tedioso es una caca. Yo por eso ahora llevo tanto tiempo fija con este color, porque no me supone apenas esfuerzo, a parte de que me gusta claro xDD
    Me encanta la foto de la hamburtel (hamburguesa+pastel xDDDD), se te ve tan feliz ♥
    Los regalos molan un montón *___* vas a tener faena con los libros de costura y demás jijij y nos has dejado con la intriga del vestido xD

  8. que pasada de pelo!!! estas preciosa, muchas felicidades guapisima ;)

  9. Me gusta mucho tu look de hoy, sobre todo la falda y las sandalias!
    Felicidades muy atrasadas y espero que las notas hayan salido bien!
    Un beso.

  10. ¡Felicidades muy, muy atrasadas!
    Tu pelo es increíble, el color es prácticamente fascinante. Una pena que sea tan difícil de cuidar :p
    En fin, hace poco te encontré en youtube y decirte que tienes un canal increíble y blablabla.
    Un beso y si tienes un poco de tiempo, pásate por mi blog:

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  48. Furthermore, "The Herald Diary" and similar portals continually provide a space for readers to voice their opinions and engage in discussions through comments sections or forums. This interactivity allows readers to connect with others who share similar interests or engage in healthy debates, enriching the reading experience. heralddiary

  49. Many general news blog portals, including "Global Herald," have a global reach, allowing readers to explore international news and perspectives. This exposure to diverse cultures, ideas, and viewpoints promotes cross-cultural understanding and fosters a more interconnected world. herald diary

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  52. Themediapost prides itself on introducing a variety of perspectives and voices. The site frequently features assessment pieces, expert analyses, and guest contributions, outfitting readers with a well-rounded understanding of complex issues.

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  56. The Herald Diary, or TheHeraldDiary, has become a specific platform for individuals seeking timely and diverse information. This general news blog site offers a unique blend of news, analysis, and opinion pieces, catering to a broad audience with a thirst for knowledge.

  57. One of the key characteristics of The Herald Diary is its ability to cater to a diverse audience. This platform covers a vast array of topics, ensuring something for everyone. Whether you're interested in global affairs, technology trends, health and wellness, or even niche hobbies like gardening, you can find blogs and articles that cater to your interests.

  58. The Herald Diary fosters a vibrant online community. Readers can engage in discussions through comment sections, forums, and social media channels associated with this site. This sense of community allows for the exchange of ideas and creates a sense of having a spot among readers who share standard interests.

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  67. Black kitchen cabinets can make a bold statement for your kitchen. Black cabinets are a change from the lighter colors. Just make sure that when you are picking out colors, you don’t make your kitchen too dark.  A modern look for the kitchen can be achieved with the use of stainless steel to contrast the black cabinets.

  68. Black is a very versatile tone than you might think. You can pair this one-color-fit-all color tone with any kitchen style – Contemporary, Traditional, Country, Modern or even Open and it will blend perfectly with the other elements to create a sophisticated ambience inside a kitchen space.
    Black Cabinets

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  70. Herald Diary, dependably referred to as an online publication or webzine, stands as a one-stop destination for readers searching for diverse topics and viewpoints. Its adaptable nature makes it a magnet for content creators and readers, as it effortlessly encapsulates numerous categories.

  71. One of the most notable strengths of TheHeraldDiary is its unwavering commitment to delivering quality content. With a team of skilled writers, editors, and experts in various fields, this platform produces well-researched and captivating articles. This commitment to excellence assures readers that the information they encounter is trustworthy, a paramount feature in an era where misinformation and fake news a monster part of the time cloud the online landscape.

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  75. One of the primary advantages of Glitz Herald and similar general news blog magazines is the breadth of content they offer. These platforms, led by Glitz Herald, cover various topics, from politics and technology to entertainment and lifestyle. Readers can access various articles, opinion pieces, and features in a particular place.

  76.  With the rapid evolution of news cycles, staying current with current events is paramount. Glitz Herald and similar publications excel in giving real-time updates. By leveraging digital technologies and the internet, these platforms, notably Glitz Herald, can deliver news as it unfolds, ensuring readers are clear the latest happenings worldwide.

  77. One of the primary advantages of general news magazine sites like The Herald Diary is their ability to cover a broad spectrum of topics. From breaking news and politics to lifestyle, culture, and technology, these sites offer readers a well-rounded worldview. heralddiary

  78. Cherry kitchen cabinets have always been a favorite look for a more traditional kitchen. Cherry’s natural wood gives you an elegant style. Cherry’s warm tone makes a beautiful, welcoming kitchen.  Dark wood cabinets can really bring out the elegance in your kitchen. Cherry and other dark woods have always been the color for high end kitchens.

  79. It's easy to create a warm and welcoming ambience when it comes to using Brown Kitchen Cabinets. Brown being a dominant color, evokes a kind of rustic and earthy hue to a Traditional kitchen room setting and creates an earthy ambience. However, it can work just well even in a modern kitchen space. They make a kitchen look elegant and sophisticated when coordinated with the right color scheme. Brown Kitchen Cabinets

  80. Who doesn’t want their kitchen to be work-friendly and well decorated at the same time? Well, we all do! And when it comes to choosing the perfect look for kitchen, it’s obvious to get confused as there are so many styles and trends like modern, minimalist, rustic, or even old house kitchen styles. Farmhouse Kitchen Cabinets

  81. The News Today Group, or newstodaygroup, is a conglomerate of online news platforms and publications that give up timely and to-date information across a wide range of subjects. As a leading digital media entity, it has established itself as a go-to source for millions of people seeking to stay informed about current events.

  82. TheGlobalTwist excels in delivering a comprehensive overview of current events, offering real-time updates on a wide array of global affairs. From the latest headlines to unfolding stories, the platform ensures that users are kept in the loop, making it an indispensable resource for those searching for instant access to the world's pulse.

  83. TheHeraldDiary serves as a dynamic hub, covering diverse topics ranging from politics and economics to science, technology, culture. With a finger on the pulse of current affairs, Herald Diary bridges the fast-paced developments from one side of the world to the other and the curious minds eager to ingest and dissect the news.

  84. One of the critical strengths of TheHeraldDiary is its ability to cater to a broad audience. Whether you are a seasoned news enthusiast, a casual reader, or someone looking to explore different perspectives, this platform offers a spectrum of content suitable for all. herald diary

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  86. The key to the success of FactInfoist lies in its ability to strike a delicate balance between delivering timely, accurate news and providing an enjoyable, immersive experience for its audience. These platforms are not just about reporting the facts; they are about creating an interactive space where readers can stay informed while being entertained.

  87. The interactive nature of FactInfoist is another crucial aspect that sets it apart. Readers are not passive consumers; they are active participants in the online community. Through comments, shares, and social media engagement, FactInfoist users contribute to the ongoing conversation.

  88. One of the critical advantages of news blog sites is their immediacy. ReadWriteBlog, in particular, excels in swiftly disseminating breaking news to a global audience. This rapid transmission of information has transformed how people stay updated on current events, with users relying on ReadWriteBlog for real-time updates and analysis.

  89. ReadWriteBlog fosters a more democratic approach to news dissemination. Anybody with an internet connection can become a content creator on this platform, sharing their perspectives on various topics. This inclusivity diversifies the sources of information as well as allows for multiple voices and viewpoints.

  90. Its ability to give real-time updates is at the core of the Herald Diary's influence. This digital powerhouse delivers news with unmatched agility in a departure from traditional media's production delays. Users can rely on the Herald Diary to stay abreast of unfolding events, making it a central resource for those craving up-to-the-minute information. heralddiary

  91. With user-friendly interfaces and easy accessibility, platforms like TheLiveJournal empower anybody with a voice and a keyboard to become a digital storyteller. Whether you're an aspiring journalist, a seasoned professional, or a hobbyist genuinely for a particular subject, TheLiveJournal welcomes all into its virtual embrace, making it a cornerstone of the digital discourse. The Live Journal

  92. FactInfoist diligently covered environmental issues that gripped the globe, bringing attention to the consequences of climate change. Through meticulous reporting, we shed light on extreme weather events, wildfires, and rising sea levels. Our commitment to factual reporting underscored the urgency of sustainable practices and the head for global climate action.

  93. Our reporting delved into diplomatic leap advances, challenges, and efforts to address social justice issues. FactInfoist gave a fact-based analysis of international relations, influencing both regional and global dynamics, and contributing to an informed citizenry. factinfoist

  94. Adarsh Welkin Park Villas is a brand new residential villa project by Adarsh Group right off Sarjapur Road, Hosa Road, Bangalore.  The residential enclave, Adarsh Welkin Park Villas off Sarjapur Road features the very best in the Adarsh Group luxury segment. The project offers spacious Signature 3,4 BHK Villas with luxurious features.

  95. The platform excels in delivering breaking news and timely updates, ensuring its audience remains well-informed in the fast-paced world of current affairs. Through a seamless blend of technology and journalism, Herald Diary stands as a testament to the capability of news blog sites to provide up-to-the-minute coverage, keeping its readers at the forefront of unfolding events. heralddiary

  96. The platform recognizes and caters to various interests and niches, ensuring its content resonates with a diverse audience. This commitment to inclusivity empowers readers to explore a variety of perspectives and topics, promoting a more nuanced understanding of global events. heralddiary

  97. The mid century modern design represents the trends introduced in the 1950s and 60s. This kind of design entails smart use of living space. That means open kitchen, space-saving furniture, and lots of elegance.  The kitchen is often allotted the tiniest bit of space in our homes. Mid Century Modern Kitchen Cabinets

  98. Solid oak kitchen cabinets is one of the more traditional ways to go in cabinet choices. Oak is mostly known for its distinct pale gold color. It can also come in a brown with red highlights.  Oak is one of the hardwoods. Hardwoods makes for sturdy cabinetry. Our oak RTA kitchen cabinets can give your kitchen that timeless look. Oak Kitchen Cabinets

  99. If you are thinking of going natural in your next kitchen remodel, you need to consider installing natural cabinets. The beauty of natural wood that is unpainted or unstained is arguably perfect for making a visual statement in any type of interior design.  Wood-based furniture is exceptionally versatile. Natural Wood Kitchen Cabinets

  100. Natural cabinets come in a myriad of varieties and so, prices. Depending on the type of drawers you want, you should consider the cost of purchase and installation to get the best out of your money. One good thing about these drawers is that they are considerably affordable compared to laminate cabinets. Natural Wood Kitchen Cabinets

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  104. Hickory kitchen cabinets bring a unique blend of rustic elegance and natural beauty to your home. The distinctive grain patterns and warm, earthy tones of hickory wood create a kitchen that's both inviting and functional. In this article, we'll explore the allure of hickory kitchen cabinets, their ability to enhance kitchen style, and how to make them a focal point in your home.

  105. The best, most reliable way to get affordable new kitchen cabinets of comparable quality is with an item known as ready-to-assemble or RTA cabinets. RTA kitchen cabinets are replicas of the cabinets you typically purchase from a local distributor or home improvement store. RTA Kitchen Cabinets

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  110. We will share some secrets about making a statement with your white kitchen cabinets. Everyone can agree that white is, after all, an evergreen color. Owing to the elegance that it brings to your life, it is preferred by several homeowners. White Kitchen Cabinets

  111. One of the critical strengths of general news publishing sites lies in their ability to cover a broad spectrum of topics. From politics and business to science, entertainment, and lifestyle, these platforms act as information repositories, providing readers with a one-stop destination for all their informational needs. theheralddiary

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  115. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

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  119. Modern-style natural wood cabinets are popular in modern kitchen cabinets varieties. Considering that they are engineered from several hardwood species, these drawers are versatile, especially regarding material components and textures.

  120. Contrasting and coordinating colors look best when paired with oak color, so try avoiding shades like pale yellow, peach, and light golden tans when installing Oak Kitchen Cabinets in your kitchen.

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  122. Establishing a modern kitchen demands your attention on each aspect, and hardware is among them. While you have limited flooring options, the hardware is abundant. All you need to do is unleash yourself from the fear of experimenting. We already know that white kitchen cabinets and silver knobs and handles fit quite well.

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  124. Selecting the ideal natural wood kitchen cabinets involves considering wood type, finish, and style. Oak, maple, cherry, and walnut each offer unique characteristics and aesthetics. Natural finishes highlight the wood's beauty, while stained finishes can match your kitchen decor.

  125. Worried about assembling RTA cabinets? Don't be! Pre-drilled holes and clear instructions make the process straightforward. Many retailers even offer helpful guides and videos. Experience the rewarding satisfaction of building your dream kitchen with RTA cabinets.
